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GROWE Consulting has 3 complementary areas of intervention: consultancy, training and research in water resources management, water, sanitation and hygiene, environment, sustainable development as well as project/program cycle. Our experts have worldwide experience in:

  • Water resources and environment: water resources evaluation, mobilization and integrated management, river basin management, hydrological studies, monitoring of water quality, climate change (characterization, mitigation and adaptation strategies), land degradation, biodiversity, environmental impacts, ecosystems functions and services
  • Water and sanitation: policy/strategy formulation, situation/problem analysis, needs assessment and response plan based on strategy, assumption and scenarios, monitoring of WASH data and indicators, emergency preparedness and coordination of emergency situations, infrastructures (including dams management, wastewater treatment networks and treatment plants, urban water supply, irrigation, rural water and sanitation facilities), hygiene/li>
  • Institutions and governance: added value in the institutional contextualization of projects and programs mainly in terms of:
    1. institutional diagnostic,
    2. institutional development and reforms,
    3. policies and strategies formulation,
    4. legal and regulatory frameworks,
    5. strategic planning and,
    6. decentralization.
  • Projects/programs: advisory, technical assistance, formulation, feasibility study, monitoring, evaluation, implementation, and operational procedures
  • Capacity building: needs assessment, preparation and implementation of action plans, development of training tools,workshops/trainings facilitation
  • Human resources: support to clients for the recruitment of water and environment oriented staffs, contractors and other service providers.